2024学生领导奖:庆祝领导学生和工作人员的机会, Uplift, and Inspire Every Day

They give time, talents, and energy to improving the SMC community. Over fifty students were recognized for their contributions this year, 以及他们对那些以圣玛丽为家的人所产生的持久影响.

by Office of Marketing & Communications Staff | June 6, 2024

As the Saint Mary’s community wrapped up the academic year in May, the Division of Student Life, along with Mission & Ministry, Admissions, and Student Success, set aside a special evening to recognize students, student organizations, and staff who have shown outstanding leadership, support, and dedication to the SMC community. These Gaels who have made a difference, individually and collectively, were honored at the Student Leadership Awards celebration on May 8, hosted in the Soda Center.

Along with awards that recognize top leaders, organizations, and programs, 该奖项突出了一年级和转学生的“新星”,以及二年级学生在领导和支持学生社区方面的“杰出人物”.

Student Leader of the Year Award | Kira Minaise ’24

学生Kira Minaise举着2024年学生领袖奖的牌匾
Student Leader of the Year: Kira Minaise ’24  / Photo by Francis Tatem

此奖项颁发给在导师指导下表现出杰出领导才能的大三或大四学生, community service, and creating engagement opportunities on campus. Kira Minaise ’24, a Business Administration major with a concentration in Digital Media, 作为宿舍协会的联合主席,她的贡献得到了认可, a resident advisor, and involvement in Gael Women in Business. Minaise, who is from Pleasanton, California, has supported and advocated for her residents, 让学生们一起参加了冈萨加的车尾聚会和超级碗观看派对, and overall created a more vibrant, 即使在因COVID-19而隔离的几年里,校园里的包容性社区也是如此. 

Dominic Berardelli弟兄喇沙修士领袖奖| Rebecca Carranza ' 26

Brother David Caretti, FSC, 26岁的丽贝卡·卡兰萨(Rebecca Carranza)拿着2024年学生领袖奖的奖牌
“丽贝卡知道如何建立关系,让所有人都感到受欢迎,”她说 Brother David Caretti, FSC ’99, in presenting the Brother Dom Award to Rebecca Carranza ’26.  / Photo by Francis Tatem

A first-generation college student, Rebecca Carranza ’26 is committed to creating an inclusive community here on campus, 比如她针对第一代学生的“超越同化”项目和针对BIPOC学生的“冒名顶替综合症”项目. In presenting the award to Carranza, Brother David Caretti, FSC ’99, said: “Rebecca knows how to build relationships and make all people feel welcomed; centering respect for all persons as she embarks on her educational journey.”

This award, named for the late Brother Dom, 是给谁例证了一个或多个喇沙修士核心原则的学生:信仰在上帝的存在, Concern for the Poor and Social Justice, Respect for All Persons, Inclusive Community, and Quality Education. 这个学生也以积极的态度接受了多姆兄弟的精神, willingness to learn, involvement in the fabric of our community life, is a presence and a “face” of Saint Mary's, and is the epitome of hospitality. 

Read more about Carranza and her accomplishments in the profile “创造家族史:丽贝卡·卡兰萨' 26看到人性在法律的工作.”

Student Organization of the Year | DiverseAbilities

多元化学生领袖Sahiba Kuar Dogra和Molly Floberg举着2024年学生领袖奖的牌匾
Leading DiverseAbilities to its most active year yet: Sahiba Kuar Dogra ’24, left, and Molly Floberg ’26.  / Photo by Francis Tatem

The DiverseAbilities Club demonstrated outstanding leadership, community involvement, 并承诺承认和支持残疾学生. Their active and innovative events—such as Identity Poetry, Cards for a Cause, 以及电影中的残疾与邪恶都强调了学生的经历,并挑战了对残疾人的有害和错误的观念. The award was accepted by the group’s presidents, Molly Floberg ’26 and Sahiba Kuar Dogra ’24, who led the group during their most active year to date.

Leading for Change | Cindy Rantisi ’24

Cindy Rantisi holds up a plaque for 2024 Student Leadership Awards
Leading for Change: Cindy Rantisi ’24 / Photo by Francis Tatem

Cindy Rantisi ʼ24 served as president of the Middle Eastern North African Club (MENA). 她表现出勇敢的领导能力,组织了“SMC桥:让我们谈谈以色列和巴勒斯坦”等活动,” an Intercultural Center Collective Hour, a vigil with the Mission & Ministry Center, and many more. Her leadership has made a significant, 通过弥合群体之间的差距,在沉默的时候大声疾呼,对校园产生积极影响. 

Program of the Year | “Let’s Talk About Israel and Palestine”

This year, the award goes to three clubs—Bridge USA, MENA, 以及穆斯林学生协会,以表彰他们在2023年10月组织的“让我们谈谈以色列和巴勒斯坦”活动.  The goal of the event, in the words of the organizers, 是“为学生提供一个就巴以冲突进行对话的空间?.” In one of their instagram posts after the event, the organizers said, “这不仅是一次有影响力和多样化的对话,而且它的观众比我们在分会看到的还要多!”

Spirit of Saint Mary’s | Karla Henriquez

Karla Henriquez holds up a plaque for 2024 Student Leadership Awards
Working with students and their families in both English and Spanish, Karla Henriquez has helped them navigate financial aid—and brought compassion, expertise, and genuine care to her work. / Photo by Francis Tatem

Karla Henriquez, Associate Director of Financial Aid, earned this award, 表彰SMC的教职员工对SMC社区的贡献. 恩里克斯在帮助学生理解和获得经济援助方面做得非常出色, and to guide and assist them with the Federal Work Study program. Speaking both Spanish and English, she has helped countless students and their families navigate funding. As a resident director, Henriquez还通过为她的居民举办pupusa之夜,为她的校园社区带来了个人的支持. In presenting the award, Housing Operations Manager Carolina Celis ’22, MA ’23 lauded Henriquez for her compassion, expertise, 以及真正的关怀——这为学生们创造了一个家外之家, ensuring that every student feels loved and supported.

Two photos: on top, student Emily Hancock holds plaque for 2024 Student Leadership Awards; Bottom, Izzy Ruiz in SMC Museum of Art
Unsung heroes get their moment: Emily Hancock ’24, above, and Izzy Ruiz ’24. / Photo by Francis Tatem

Unsung Hero Award | Emily Hancock ’24 and Izzy Ruiz ’24

这个奖项关注那些在幕后努力工作的学生员工, exceeding expectations to support students, coworkers, and supervisors. 

Emily Hancock ’24 is the co-chair of the Residence Hall Association, 帮助带领一组学生使宿舍有家的感觉. Through her supportive presence, encouragement, and creative programming, 汉考克为住在学生宿舍的学生建立了一个紧密联系的社区.

Izzy Ruiz ’24 has earned a reputation as the heart of the Admissions team; as an Admissions Ambassador Coordinator, Ruiz leads campus tours, works with prospective students, and plays a central role during Admission events. 她是同龄人的导师,也是他们在有压力时可以求助的人, as well as a steadying force for her coworkers and supervisors. 


Rising Stars and Luminaries

As part of the evening, 学生生活部的几个部门都强调了学生工作人员的贡献. These departments include Student Disability Services, the Center for Women and Gender Equity, Campus Recreation, Club Sports, and Community Life & Dean of Students. The students organize social events, design inclusive programming, and work behind the scenes to support students, faculty, and staff. 

Celebrating their contributions to Club Sports: From left, they’re Jose Miranda ’25, Melody Villar ’24, and Dominic Russo ’24. / Photo by Francis Tatem

Along with recognizing top student leaders, the awards program shines a spotlight on first-year students, new transfer students, 以及帮助培养整个圣玛丽学生群体的社区意识的二年级学生. Watch for more from these Gaels in the years to come.


Rising Star Award


  • Brooklyn Morales
  • Gabby Vine
  • Drew Paxman
  • Gaby Canedo
  • Samara Williams
  • Kiana Paredes
  • Jared Thomas
  • Madeline Hertle 
  • Johnathan Parent
Luminary Award

该奖项旨在表彰表现出领导力的二年级学生, involvement, and have been positive influences on their classmates and peers. 

  • Sarah Alhejazen
  • Riana Aquino
  • Aniyah Ashford
  • Christina Bragg
  • Rebecca Carranza
  • Grace Dowling
  • Colton Farrell
  • Molly Floberg
  • Victor Flores
  • Lea Glafkidees
  • Carolyn Huckel
  • Lillian La Salle
  • Oliver McLaughlin
  • Regina Molitoris
  • Alejandra Perez
  • Tim Phelps
  • John Rathbun
  • Haley Riedel
  • Amir Singh
  • Harsh Singh
  • Sonja Smeritschnig
  • Emily Rose-Taya
  • Kieran Tingin
  • Brandon Valerio
  • Zane Waterman
  • Paige Watson
Students at the Celebration Dinner
Celebrating student leaders in the Soda Center / Photo by Francis Tatem
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